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Adobe Flex Pros And Cons

Adobe Flex Pros And Cons

Adobe Flex Pros And Cons 2017

Note:The installation directory pathshould not contain # (pound) and $ (dollar) characters.Review the preinstallation summary and clickInstall.The installation program displays the progress of the installation.Review the installation summary. SelectStart AEM Forms Workbenchto launchWorkbench and clickNext.Review the Release Notes and clickDone.The following items are now installed on your computer:.Workbench: To run Workbench from theStartmenu,selectAll ProgramsAEM Forms Workbench,if you chose to store the shortcut folder there. For information, see the Using Workbench documentation.Designer:You can access Designer from inside Workbench.For information, see Getting Started topic in Designer Help.Workbench plug-in:Follow the instructions in.AEM Forms SDK:For more information on using the SDK,see. The following aspects of cache operation should be consideredif your application generates unique templates on the fly by automaticallyupdating XFA content. In effect, each transaction uses a new, uniquetemplate.When forms generator or output searches for, or updates, entriesin the cache for a specific form template, it uses several key valuesto locate the specific cache entry that will be accessed.Template file name: The location and filenameof the template used as the primary unique identifier of the cachedform.Timestamp: The template file contains a timestampused to determine the last update time of the form.Template UUID: Designer inserts in each template aunique identifier (UUID) for the form and its version. Each timethe form is updated, the embedded UUID is updated. For example,an XDP template might show the following content:.Render options: Within the rendered form cache, thecache contents are stored separately for each set of unique renderoptions.The Forms service receives templates by reference to filenameor repository location, or by value as a XML object in memory.Templates passed by reference: Uses the contentroot and the form name.

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If unique templates with different filenamesare passed in every request using this method, the disk cache willgrow endlessly and will never be reused. To prevent this, uniquetemplates should be passed with same filename to ensure that samecache is updated for all requests.Templates passed by value: Uses template bytes passedalong with the data using theinDataDoc parameter. If unique templateswith different UUID are passed using this method, the disk cachewill grow endlessly and will never be reused. To prevent this, theUUID attribute should be stripped from all templates to ensure thatno cache is created for the template.